I am a software engineer currently living in NYC.
Originally from Liverpool, England, however, grew up in Perth, Australia. I have a great passion for technology.
Things I’m working on right now
Modernization and moving to the cloud
- Kubernetes / Istio / Helm
- Managed services
- Infrastructure and configuration as code e.g. Terraform, Packer, Docker
- CI/CD pipelines - blue, green deployments
- IT operations
- Quality assurance
Team and people management
Currently managing a great team, highly motivated and exceeding all expectations
Core skills
Deep familiarity with the entire ecosystem from the hosting platforms, web frameworks, ORM libraries, core libraries, windows services, package management and everything that makes .NET applications around the world tick
Understand end-to-end delivery of a commercial Python application
To do my job I have always needed to have a deep understanding of how the API technology at the time worked. I have created/consumed/debugged APIs with the following technologies SOAP, REST and gRPC.
CI/CD pipelines
Reliably deploying any application or configuration change is essential to keeping a sane lab. I have set up entire CI/CD pipelines for organizations.
Application reliability, hosting and monitoring
Ownership of an application after it goes live is incredibly important. To try to keep on top of this I have set up dashboards and monitoring with business-friendly metrics for production systems.
Relational databases
Throughout my career, I have utilized Microsoft SQL Server
Non-relational document databases
Comfortable with using document-based databases such as MongoDB
Other skills
- NodeJS
- Search APIs e.g. Solr and ElasticSearch
Other hobbies
- Mountain biking
- Travel