Median of two arrays

Getting the median of two sorted arrays in O(log(small_array_length)).

Sat Mar 14 2020

Did you know that it’s possible to get the median of two separate arrays of different lengths, even or odd, without ever merging them or sorting them? It’s something that is often asked in interviews and is also listed on

Median = the value that splits the array into two equal length partitions

The premise

Given two separate arrays that can have different lengths, overlapping values. There exists a solution to find the median across both arrays without sorting or merging the arrays.

Example 1 - an array that when combined has an odd length of 11

small_array = [1, 3, 8, 9, 15]
large_array = [7, 11, 18, 19, 21, 25]

The solution should find the same median 11 as if this array was merged and sorted

merged_sorted_array = [1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 18, 19, 21, 25]

Search for the first two partition points which satisfy the following conditions

  1. All elements to the left of the partition on small_array are smaller or equal to all elements on the right of the partition of large_array
  2. All elements to the left of the partition on large_array are smaller or equal to all elements on the right of the partition of small_array

Since both arrays are ordered in ascending order, checking all elements is unnecessary. The partition that satisfies the above on small_array and large_array is as follows.

1 3 8 9 | 15
7 11 | 18 19 21 25

9 is less than 18 and 11 is less than 15

Since the total number of elements in the combined array is odd we simply use the larger of the two numbers to the left of either partition as the median. This is 11.

But how you do you find the partition that satisfies the above?

Since the goal of the median is to have an equal number of elements of both arrays on the left as on the right and have the median as the splitting value that divides the array equally.

This array is odd, there 6 elements on the left, 5 elements on the right therefore the median has to be one of the numbers on the left. If this number is plucked as the median there will be 5 elements on either side.

1 3 8 9 | 15
7 11 | 18 19 21 25

It’s impossible to have partitions of both arrays over to the right and find the median. Therefore it makes no sense to look in for a partition in this search space.

1 3 8 9 | 15
7 11 18 19 21 | 25

With this knowledge, it’s possible to ascertain that if you desire to move the small_array partition over to the right. You must move the large_array partition in the opposite direction to the same degree.

Example iterations

Iteration 1 - incorrect partitions
  • small_array is partitioned at index 2 which is decided by the number of elements in the search divided by 2 as a whole number e.g. 5 / 2 = 2.5 which is just 2 when the decimal is truncated
  • large_array is partitioned at index 4 which is decided by the total number of elements in both arrays + 1 divided by 2 minus the partition index of the small_array e.g. (11 + 1) / 2 - 2 = 4.

We compare the numbers around the current partition points to decide whether to change these partition points

1 3 | 8 9 15
7 11 18 19 | 21 25
  • 3 is not less than 21, this correct partition must be in between the higher numbers
  • 19 is not less than 8, this correct partition is in the earlier numbers
Iteration 2 - correct partitions

There were 3 ways of partitioning the small_array in this iteration

  • 8 | 9
  • 9 | 15
  • 15 | +∞

9 | 15 was chosen as it’s in the middle. The partition index here is 4.

However, since we moved the partition on the small_array forward 2 places from index 2 to 4 in this iteration. The partition on the large_array moved 2 places to the left, to ensure the balance of elements either side of the median.

1 3 8 9 | 15
7 11 | 18 19 21 25

Example 2 - an array that when combined has an even length of 10

In an even array the median is the mean of the two middle numbers

small_array = [23, 26, 31, 35]
large_array = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 16]

The solution should find the same median 13.5 derived from (11 + 16) / 2 as if this array was merged and sorted

merged_sorted_array = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11,   16, 23, 26, 31, 35]

The partition points of these arrays are

-∞ | 23 26 31 35
3 5 7 9 11 | 16

Nothing exists on the left of partition in the small_array, therefore we have substituted this with negative infinity -∞. This effectively means that all values of concern to the median are only in the large_array and we need both a left and right value in this array to compare.

We still satisfy the conditions earlier

  1. All elements to the left of the partition on small_array are smaller or equal to all elements on the right of the partition of large_array

    1. -∞ is less than all elements
  2. All elements to the left of the partition on large_array are smaller or equal to all elements on the right of the partition of small_array

    1. 11 is less than 23
    2. 16 is also less than 23 but we satisfied both conditions already

Now the next step is to compare the 4 numbers next to the partition points

left right
small_array -∞ 23
large_array 11 16

We will use the following formula (max(small_array_left_val, large_array_right_val) + min(small_array_right_val, large_array_right_val)) / 2 or (11 + 16) / 2 = 13.15

Example 3 - an array that when combined has an odd length of 3

small_array = [3]
large_array = [-2, -1]

There are only a few ways that tiny arrays can be partitioned and the first way gets the correct result

left right
small_array -∞ 3
large_array -1 +∞

Since the combined array is of an odd length we just use the larger of the two numbers to the left of either partition as the median this is -1 as -1 > -∞

Example 4 - an array that when combined is all the same value


The median we know here is 1 just by looking at it. Since LeetCode asked for only the value and not the index this algorithm takes a few shortcuts and therefore partitions incorrectly and still produces the correct result.

1 1 | 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 | 1 1
  • The top left number is less than or equal to the bottom right number
  • The bottom left number is less than or equal to the top right number
  • The median is one of these four numbers
  • The median is one of the two left numbers as the array is odd and there are more elements on the left
  • The median is the greater of the two left numbers
  • The median is 1

If the LeetCode exercise asked for both the value and the index e.g. (value, index) then this algorithm that we have would fail to deliver the results without adjustments.

Time complexity

Why is this solution of time complexity of O(log(small_array_length))? This is because the smaller array is the only array that we are doing a binary search on and for each search on this array we are halving the search space e.g. 8 -> 4 -> 2. You can watch a video on logarithmic complexity here

Python Code

This code passes all tests in LeetCode. Print statements are added for tutorial purposes


import sys

class Solution:
    Wrapper class for Leetcode solution

    def findMedianSortedArrays(self, nums1: [int], nums2: [int]) -> float:
        nums1: [int]
            A sorted array of numbers
        nums2: [int]
            A sorted array of numbers

            The median number which partitions both arrays if they were already merged and sorted

        if not nums1 and not nums2:
            raise "Invalid input"

        # Single array (trivial algorithm)
        if not nums1 and nums2:
            return self._get_median_single_array(nums2)
        if not nums2 and nums1:
            return self._get_median_single_array(nums1)

        # Get the median for two arrays, smallest array first
        if len(nums1) < len(nums2):
            return self._find_median_sorted_arrays(small_array=nums1, large_array=nums2)

        return self._find_median_sorted_arrays(small_array=nums2, large_array=nums1)

    def _find_median_sorted_arrays(cls, small_array: [int], large_array: [int]) -> float:
        Time complexity O(log(len(small_array)))

        small_array: [int]
            A sorted list of integers
        large_array: [int]
            A sorted list of integers that must be larger or the same length as small_array

            The median that splits the two arrays equally as if they were sorted and merged

        total_elements = len(small_array) + len(large_array)

        # Begin the search within the entire range of the smaller array
        end_x = len(small_array)

        while (start_x <= end_x):

            # Try and find the partition points for the x and y array such that an equal number of elements appear on both sides
            partition_x = cls._get_partition_x(start_x, end_x)
            partition_y = cls._get_partition_y(total_elements, partition_x)

            # Find immediate element to the left and to the right of partition_x in the x array
            left_val_x = small_array[partition_x-1] if partition_x > 0 else -sys.maxsize
            right_val_x = small_array[partition_x] if partition_x < len(small_array) else sys.maxsize

            # Find immediate element to the left and to the right of partitionY in the y array
            left_val_y = large_array[partition_y-1] if partition_y > 0 else -sys.maxsize
            right_val_y = large_array[partition_y] if partition_y < len(large_array) else sys.maxsize

            # All values to the left on the x partition are less or equal to all the values on the right of the y partition
            left_x_less_eq_to_right_y = left_val_x <= right_val_y

            # All values to the left of the y partition are less or equal to all the values to the right of the x partition
            left_y_less_eq_to_right_x = left_val_y <= right_val_x

            # Print information about the current state
            print("-- INFORMATION---")
            print(f"start_x={start_x} end_x={end_x}")
            print(f"partition_x={partition_x} partitionY={partition_y}")
            print("The 4 values hugging the 2 partition points")
            print(f"maxLeftX={left_val_x}   minRightX={right_val_x}")
            print(f"maxLeftY={left_val_y}   minRightY={right_val_y}")

            # Partition found where median can be calculated
            if left_x_less_eq_to_right_y and left_y_less_eq_to_right_x:
                print(f"Found the perfect partition indexes. partition_x={partition_x} partitionY={partition_y}")
                print(f"small_array_left={small_array[0:max(0, partition_x)]} small_array_right={small_array[partition_x::]}")
                print(f"large_array_left={large_array[0:max(0, partition_y)]} large_array_right={large_array[partition_y::]}")
                is_even = total_elements % 2 == 0
                if is_even:
                    median = (max(left_val_x, left_val_y) + min(right_val_x, right_val_y)) / 2
                    median = int(max(left_val_x, left_val_y))

                print(f"Found the perfect median {median}")
                return median

            # Move search space backward or forward
            if left_val_x > right_val_y:
                end_x = partition_x - 1
                start_x = partition_x + 1

    def _get_partition_x(cls, start_x: int, end_x: int):
        start_x: int
            The current start_x
        end_x: int
            The current end_x

            The partition index for the x array, if > len(x) then the median of both arrays is in y

        return int((start_x + end_x) / 2)

    def _get_partition_y(cls, total_elements: int, partition_x: int):
        total_elements: int
            The total number of elements in both arrays
        partition_x: int
            The current partition_x

            The partition point of y

        return int(((total_elements + 1) / 2) - partition_x)

    def _get_median_single_array(cls, nums: list) -> float:
        Gets the median of the sorted array

            The median number which partitions the array such that both sides have an equal number of elements.

        if len(nums) == 1:
            return nums[0]

        median = len(nums) / 2
        if not median.is_integer():
            # Odd number then return the middle
            return nums[int(median)]

        # Even so must split
        median = int(median) - 1
        return (nums[median] + nums[median+1]) / 2

Sample run code for experimentation and debugging

def main():
    """ The entry point of the Python script """

    # Trying to find the median of the combined arrays
    sln = Solution()

    # We know the median to this is 11
    # print(sln.findMedianSortedArrays(nums1=[1,3,8,9,15], nums2=[7,11,18,19,21,25]))

    # We know the median to this is between 11 and 16 so 13.5
    print(sln.findMedianSortedArrays(nums1=[23,26,31,35], nums2=[3,5,7,9,11,16]))

    # The median here is -1
    #print(sln.findMedianSortedArrays([3], [-2,-1]))

    # The median here is 3

if __name__ == "__main__":

Useful links

Paul Ness

Paul S. Ness Software engineer with ten years of experience in a variety of industries such travel, payments, medical, fine art and publishing.